Monday, June 20, 2016

A List of Korean Cuisine

죽 or Juk is a rice porridge

순두부 tofu 

계장 cold crab in soy sauce

해물된장찌개 seafood soybean paste stew

갈비 beef ribs (marinated)

갈비찜 Beef Ribs Goulash with Vegetable

고등어조림 Cod Stew with Chilipaste and White radish 

영광굴비 Gulbi set (corvina)

굴비 Gulbi 

모듬김밥 Seaweed roll with mixed ingredients

미역국 Seaweed Soup (with meat or seafood)

철판불고기 Korean style Bulgogki 

비빔밥 Stonepot Bibimbap

단호박식혜 Pumpkin Fermented Rice Drink 

잦죽 Pinenut porridge

콩국수 Cold soybean soup with noodles

한식밥상한차림 10 course Korean menu